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How to Introduce Kids to Freediving: an Experience’s Story.

Once upon a time there was a little fish that didn’t want to swim on the surface….

Did I ever tell you that my son prefers to go underwater than swimming!?”
During the last ten years that Katabasis started organizing Summer Freediving and Water Sports Camps for young children and teenagers, this is one of the things that I have heard more often then ever. It’s one of the things that always brings me back memories of my childhood where I was ‘eagerly encouraged’ by my parents to take part in swimming lessons at the pool; I immediately recall the shouting from my swimming teacher (an Austrian lady with the grace of an elephant), the fatigue and exhaustion in doing endless lengths of the pool back and forth…not to mention the unpleasant taste of the chlorine! So it obviously wasn’t what you might call a stimulating experience and clearly it wasn’t the spark which further on in my life made me decide to dedicate my life to water and more specifically to the Sea.

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